Rodolfo Mesa Chávez
He graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre yMaestra (PUCMM) as Bachelor of
Law in 1995. In 1999 he receives a Master in Business and Economics Legislation from PontificiaUniversidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). He completed his International Business Law
Postgraduate Degree at Universidad APEC in 2000.In 2003 he receives a Civil Procedure
Postgraduate Degree from Universidad CatólicaMadre y Maestra (PUCMM). In 2005 he
receives the diploma on International Arbitration issued by the International Business Chamber
(CCI), which is in Paris, France. In 2010 he obtained the diploma in Business at
Universidad de Toronto. 2023 Master in Economic Law, Universidad Salamanca, Spain.
He has 22 years of experience in aviation law andair transport, including financing, regulatory and litigation. He also has extensive experience in corporate law, maritime law and commercial litigations.
He is a partner of Mesa & Mesa | Abogados, a law firm founding in 1964 specialized in transport and corporate law.
As a regular client, he has the major domestic and international airlines, lessors, insurance/
reinsurance company, aircraft maintenance workshop and other air transport service provider.
Rodolfo Mesa is a Spanish-English fluent speaker.He also high level in French language.
For 5 years in row he has been ranked by Chambers and Partners as a leading lawyer in
Commercial/ Corporate law in Dominican Republic.
Insurance and reinsurance
Aviation regulations.
Maritime Law.
International litigations and arbitration.
Intellectual Property.
Telecommunication regulations.
Foreign investment.
Merge & AcquisitionPublic Law
Rodolfo Mesa is a Spanish-English fluent speaker.
Professional activities:
· InternationalBar Association member – IBA – he actively participates in insurance,litigation, aviation and real estate committees.
· Member of the board of Advoc
· A columnist in a main Dominican law specialized magazine.
· Chambers and Partners ranked as a leading corporate/ Commercial lawyer in DominicanRepublic.
· Who’s Who Legal has ranked Rodolfo Mesa as a legal expert in aviation legal matters in its edition 2016.
· Contributing editor with the International leading publication GettingThe Deal Through for Air Transport, Chapter Dominican Republic.
· The prestigious international publication DoingBusiness, published by World Bank selected our partner to be one of the contributors for the subjects credit, bank and securities.
Áreas de especialización de Rodolfo
Rodolfo tiene más de 22 años de experiencia en derecho aeronáutico y transporte aéreo, incluyendo financiamiento, regulación y litigios. También tiene una amplia experiencia en derecho corporativo, derecho marítimo y litigios comerciales, y es un abogado de cámara reconocido.
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